Intuitive Medical Healer Integrative Healing Portland Maine Energy Healer Kennebunk Maine near Portsmouth NH

Pain Relief and/or Accelerated Healing After Surgery,
After a Fall or Injury as well as After an Emotional Upset or Loss

Pain relief and healing accellerationIf you have a life-threatening emergency, please seek immediate medical treatment by calling 911 or the designated emergency number in your area. I have been able to help people transmute and/or manage pain after they have undergone surgery, have fallen or have otherwise injured themselves and they either don't want to take pain meds or the meds their physician has prescribed are not touching their pain.

Book Your After Surgery or Recent Injury Pain-Relief Session

Injuries typically follow a "weakest link" pattern, so physical surgery may not fully address if the root of the problem is emotional trauma being stored in that part of the body. Individuals who seek this pain-relief after injury/surgery, most often also experience accelerated healing through my work and the empowered approaches I share.

"Kristi worked on me a few days after my ACL transplant. During the session my pain went down to 0 (zero) on a scale of 10 and I felt a peace I have never felt in my life. When I went to my first physical therapy session one week later, the therapist said it was as if I had already had 3-4 weeks of PT." FM

Please contact me at least a couple of days in advance of a planned surgery so that we can schedule a Pain-Relief Session while you are still in the hospital or soon after you arrive home. It would be best if we are able to communicate during your session(s), so please plan to have a room phone or access to a cell phone.

NEW OPPORTUINITY! INSTANT Phone or Chat Session for Healing or Spiritual Guidance

Option for Email Support

On-Demand Call and Chat services FAQs found here.

Through my innate connection to Quantum healing energy and to my clients, I can help remove trauma from the emotional, etheric and physical layers of the body, particularly after surgery, a fall, or injury. Please note that the mini sessions on this page are not intended for relief of long-term chronic pain relief situations. If that is what you're seeking help with, please go to the YOUR SESSION page.

"READ about the pain-relief experience of a client who fell three times on an already-previously-broken tail bone. Or READ about relief from pain after removal of malignant cells at and around client's rectum. Both clients were treated for pain with my Multiple-Session, One Hour Total package." Kristi

One-time, Long-Distance Pain Relief Session (for above situations only): This option includes one session of Pain Relief and/or Pain Management which will last approximately 15 minutes. Voice contact is not required, but is helpful so I can "chase the pain" and gauge how you're responding. If call set up and relief is quick, I may elect to offer a second treatment within this one order. *

Book Your After Surgery or Recent Injury Pain-Relief Session

Multiple Long-Distance Pain Relief Session Package: This option includes multiple sessions of Pain Relief and/or Pain Management which total 45 minutes of active session time. Individual sessions may range between 5-15 minutes each. Voice contact is not required, but is helpful so I can "chase the pain" and gauge how you're responding. *

Please call me for this option as I will need to send you a PayPal invoice.

*If you are unable to pay via Paypal in advance, there will be a $5 processing fee for running your credit card number manually either prior to or during your session. Alternately, you may mail a check and we will schedule your session after your payment is received.

*Disclaimer: Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst DOES NOT provide medical service and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. Please consult your licensed practitioner before utilizing any alternative medicine, natural healing, or behavioral repatterning modality. Kristi is a legally ordained Minister, Reiki Master and is certified in physio/spiritual massage (laying of the hands) by The Universal Light church. Her "healing resonance" and Perspective Reboot® Integrative Quantum-level Spiritual Healing and Energy Balancing support your body's natural healing and inner peace. Client testimonials conveyed verbally or on the web site do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction of the outcome of an individual using Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst. "Through our session(s), it is likely conscious and unconscious thoughts, beLIEfs, and energetic blocks impeding your natural healing and/or well being will be our focus. The longest-held physical symptoms may not resolve first. As non-physcial aspects of self blocking natural healing and/or wellbeing will rise to the surface, we will process and transmute them together. I will teach you to work with your body, overcome the ego-mind and escape from 'old stories'. YOU are a key player in your healing process!" Love, Kristi Borst, PhD

These mini Pain-Relief Sessions are by advanced appointment only.
Reserve your session easily using my online calendar, click here.
If you are unable to find a time that suits you,
please call me or use the form on the CONTACT page.